Guiana Chestnut Flower, Malabar Chestnut

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Guiana Chestnut Flower

The guiana chestnut, also known as the malabar chestnut, is a large subtropical to tropical tree that has beautiful, unusual flowers and produces edible nuts. It is hardy to 28 degrees Fahrenheit and needs regular water.

Native to estuaries in Northern South America and Southern Mexico, the guiana chestnut is salt tolerant. It is currently growing in Southern California and might even be a good candidate for the lower desert regions of California and Arizona.

As can be seen in the picture below, the flowers of the guayana chestnut are spectacular, with large red stamins that appear as if they are emerging from a banana peal. Overall, this plant makes for a handsome landscape speciman. It has green bark, and shinny dark green leaves that grow in hand shaped clusters. Mature guiana chestnut trees can reach up to 60 feet tall.

For more information on the guiana chestnut tree. See these links.

California Rare Fruit Growers      Daves Garden